Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Celebrate Penis Day

Oh God this is funny. It describes the reaction of some students to "The Vagina Monologues" and "VDay" phenomenon currently all the rage on college campuses. Here is a clip from the artice.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online: "“Testaclese” tipped the scales when he approached the university Provost, Edward J. Kavanagh, outside the student union. Apparently taking him/it for a giant mushroom, Provost Kavanagh cheerfully greeted him. But when Testaclese presented him with an honorary award as a campus “Penis Warrior,” the stunned official realized that it was no mushroom. After this incident, which was recorded on videotape, the promoters of P-Day were ordered to cease circulating their flyers and to keep Testaclese off campus grounds. Mindful of how school officers had never once protested any of the antics of Vagina warriors, the P-warriors did not comply. The Testaclese costume was then confiscated and formal charges followed."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't everyday penis day for men?

4:30 PM  

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